Dennis Margheim served our country as a sonar technician in the U.S. Navy during the Gulf War. His job was to operate, maintain, and repair equipment used to hunt submarines.
“Veterans Day is a chance for everyone to give thanks to the military men and women who risk everything to defend our freedoms, including those who paid the ultimate price to defend the greatest nation on earth,” he said.
Dennis is now navigating new waters with Greeley’s Water and Sewer Department.
One of the City of Greeley’s strategic priorities is to pave the way for businesses to grow and be successful. Greeley’s water leadership saw an opportunity to do just that, so it created a liaison position in March to serve the city’s industrial, commercial, high-profile, and governmental water customers.
Dennis is the key accounts coordinator for Greeley Water and Sewer. The department created the position after seeing the success power utilities were having with a liaison assigned to high-profile customers.
“Ideally, these customers contact me directly when they have questions about billing, rates, and service,” Dennis said. “I also communicate about situations that may affect their service, like outages. The idea is to be a single point of contact. That way, the customer isn’t leaving voicemails or being transferred to different departments.
Dennis worked in the field for six years. He started as a meter technician and worked up to operations supervisor. He learned every aspect of the distribution system, from the treatment plant to the customer’s faucet, including how to maintain the equipment in between.
“It took me a couple of months to get used to working in an office,” he said. “But I don’t miss the extremes of our Northern Colorado weather!”
Thank you, Dennis, for your work for our high-profile water customers. And to all the veterans in our community, Happy Veterans Day! You are all Everyday Heroes!