For most of my life, I have had one story or another running through my mind. I received awards in grade school and high school for writing.
It was my dream to write for a living. Life and love came between me and my childhood dreams and I began living my life for the dreams of others. I had a husband whose dream was trucking, a daughter that had extensive medical needs, and a family that needed me. Eventually, I divorced, my father passed away and I became the primary financial support for my mother and daughter. My life seemed set in stone. I kept writing over the years but I kept it to myself and never tried to publish. Time slipped away and I kept writing. I couldn’t help it. Then I moved to Greeley and discovered a healthy community of the Arts. Musicians, Painters, and Poets introduced themselves at every turn. For the first time in my life, I felt I belonged. My artistic side bloomed. Then the Pandemic hit. I lost my job. Suddenly, the time I never had was all that was left. I spent it catching up on a number of things including my writing. November 7th I published the first in a number of short stories. I started working with a friend editing and preparing my full-length novels for submission to a publisher. I am finally chasing my dreams. I hope one day to put Greeley as my home on my New York Times Bestseller. Submitted by Amanda W., Greeley, CO
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