
“The Reason I Started Working for the City is the People”

Rod Jaramillo has worked as a maintenance tech with the City of Greeley’s Water & Sewer Department for seven years.

Rod’s daily routine varies, but he typically starts each morning by checking on valve boxes and road patches or responding to calls about water running down the road. Those calls can lead to emergency repairs on a broken water line, especially during the winter due to fluctuating temperatures.

“The reason I started working for the City of Greeley is the people,” Rod said. “I love to see the people in this community come together in time of need or to celebrate accomplishments.”

Rod and his coworkers in the Water Distribution Department are the backbone of the city’s water system. They work hard to complete repairs as quickly as possible—even if that means standing knee-deep in bone-chilling water when temperatures are below freezing.

“The Water Department has some of the hardest-working employees I have had the privilege to work with,” Rod said. “They come to work every day laughing and smiling, prepared and ready to work. We will serve this community through anything—long hours, terrible weather, it doesn’t matter! We work through it to get the citizens their drinking water.”

Many residents take the integrity of Greeley’s underground infrastructure for granted, but not Rod and his coworkers. The next time you pour yourself a glass of Greeley’s great-tasting tap water, be sure to thank those working behind the scenes.

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